How to Increase Alexa Rankings

By M G Greg is one of the most popular sites that you should join if you have your own site. On Alexa site you can find information on traffic levels for websites. Mg's blog is currently on 300.000 position with traffic, and is increasing fast. So you can increase Alexa Rankings of your sites easy. But why you should increase them? Because ad networks, advertisers and webmasters help himself with Alexa rankings to see your Blog or page rankings. Better that your Blog or site ranks in Alexa rankings more you get from selling ads or links from your Blog or site, using one of these products: ReviewMe, TLA, SponsoredReviews. It is simple to understand, more traffic and better rankings has your Blogs, more money you get from that using one of upper products. Now lets start with some advices how to increase Alexa rankings of your Blog or site:

How to check your site rankings or other sites, simply go on this site and fill in the url you desire.

Here are some basic ways to increase your Alexa Rankings:

* install Alexa toolbar - Then you need to set your Blog or site as your homepage. This is the first thing you need to do.

* put Alexa rank on your Blog or site - Don't bother if your site has low rankings, just put it on. When your visitors will click on it this will Alexa count.

* make friends and do some promotion - Promote Alexa toolbar to others, make friends and ask them to make some reviews of your Blogs, so you can get more popular. Do the same favour to them.

* write about Alexa, write content so webmasters will read it - Webmaster like to read how to increase Alexa rankings and some nice content about it, they could backlink you fast from that. Also try to write content that webmaster like and they will come to you using Alexa toolbar and this will increase your rank.

* promote Alexa urls - Write in Forums, use Alexa link as a redirect in your signature

* use social bookmarks - Getting dugg or stumbled is a great way to increase your ranks and also your traffic. So try to write good content so readers will digg or stumble your posts.

* buy banners and use PPC - Get some more traffic with paying for them. Buy some banners on other Blogs or sites and use PPC advertising like AdWords. But I think think you need a lot of money to get work that.

* get backlinked and improve your traffic - This is the best way you get a bigger rank. So do a lot on increasing your traffic you will see that Alexa rankings of your Blog or site will increase quickly.

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