Why Alexa Rank is Important

By Raden Payas

Having a website whether it is a commercial, personal, or moneymaking site is like joining is a very tight competition that one must win over the other. Unless you don't want others to see your website and if it password protected, you are not a part of competition.

Most SEO experts ignore Alexa rank because of it's inaccuracy and inconsistency due to the fact that the rank is being generated by toolbar and not by actual visits. Some SEO experts consider it useless and does not have any significance in SEO. Yes, it is true! Alexa does not contribute any good in SEO but on the other hand, it has some advantages.

To the people who are new in running websites and wanted more popularity, Alexa rank is very useful. I've been selling websites for two years now and Alexa rank is one of the most important features the buyers are always looking at.

Popularity is not determined only by Google Pagerank but also by Alexa rank. If you checked those websites that have higher ranks, you will noticed that these websites are really popular and well-known. Higher Alexa rank increases the website's value. Contrary to Google Pagerank, Alexa rank refers to traffic. In most cases, the higher the traffic your site is getting, the higher the Alexa rank it could have.

There are a lot of websites with higher Google PR but have low traffic and this kind of site status is not good if you are planning to make money through this type of site.

A site that has a good PR must also have a good Alexa rank in order to balance the status. There's a lot of ways on how to increase both Google PR and Alexa rank and there are also a lot of ways on how to check and monitor these ranks.

Monitoring your sites Google Pagerank and Alexa rank is important in order to identity your site's areas of improvement.

Webtoolkeeper.com listed numerous ways and methods on how to monitor these ranks and it's blog offers free SEO tutorials and manuals on how to increase these ranks. You are not a complete webmaster if you overlook these things.

Source : http://ezinearticles.com/

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